Week 2.1. Module Overview
CS1822 - Week 1
Term 1
- Weekly lectures on Computational Thinking
- Weekly activity class
- Lecture style class, more interactive with more examples
- Moodle quizzes
- 1 formative quiz each week
- 4 summative wuizzes throughout term worth 5% each
- Weekly Checkpoint Exercise Sheet
- Meet online with a TA every other week
- Discuss your checkpoint solutions
- Supporting videos and tutorial on Moodle
- 1 hour lab each week to get help with exercises
Term 2
Group project:
- Either robotics (Java) or games (Python)
- You will register a preference at the end of Term 1
- Groups of 4-5
- We put you into groups but you can choose a friend
- Project consists of
- Introductory videos and material
- Five milestone sheets (like checkpoints)
- Your project!
Checkpoint Sheets
Each weekly checkpoint sheet consists of:
- 3 computational thinking exercises
- Must do at least 2
- 3 python programming exercises
- Must do at least 2
- 2 advanced
- For your own study
You must complete enough checkpoints in Term 1
- These are a mandatory requirement
- You need to have them checked off by a TA
- 3 checkpoint sheets checked off by Week 8
- 6 checkpoint sheets checked off by Week 11
- Failing the checkpoints means failing the module
What if I fail?
- Switch to CS1821
- Do more checkpoints
- Write an essay
- No choice in Term 2 project
Each week there is
- Lecture (Mondays 11:00-12:00)
- Supporting videos you can watch
- A formative quiz to test your understanding
- Activity class (Thursdays 15:00-16:00)
- A checkpoint sheet
Checkpoint marking sessions
- You will be given a 10 minute slot
- Every other week
- Thursday between 09:00-12:00
- Meet online via Teams
- Wednesdays (between 10:00-13:00)
- 1 hour (only come to your timetabled slot!)
The assessment of the module is:
- Checkpoints - essential to pass, but do not contribute percentage score
- Quizzes (Term 1)
- 5% each, total 20%
- Deadlines on Moodle
- Project (Term 2)
- 40% presentation and demo at the end
- 40% individual report
- contribution factor
This Term's Lecture Topics
- Computational thinking
- Writing programs
- Interactive fiction
- Abstraction
- Organising data
- Decomposition
- Testing
- Debugging
- Working together