Week 2.1. Introduction

Object Oriented Programming with Java, Concisely

Our challenge

Our approach is to provide a great deal of material in the form of a mini text book, online tutorial versions of the textbook and videos that go through the tutorials. You must, outside of contact hours, work through this material each week. You will have a lecture at the start of each week to introduce and motivate the material, a problems class at the end of the week that you take your work to, and quizzes to enable you to gauge your own performance

Weekly Breakdown

The module is arranged in six chapters, each corresponding to a chapter of the module text book, which you can find below. The sections below are divided into weeks. The current week's section will be highlighted.

Each week you will complete in your own time

  • two (or three) sets of tutorial videos,
  • a formative (for practice) quiz on each set of videos,
  • a summative (counts 1% for your grade) quiz every two weeks
  • programming exercise sheet.

There will be two timetabled sessions per week. These are normally:

  • Tuesday 14:00-15:00: an on-campus lecture where, notably, questions received from students during the week will be answered, and
  • Fridays 09:00: an on-campus class covering the week's programming exercise sheet.
    Both sessions are recorded and will appear in the Panopto RePlay block on the right of the main Moodle page..


The module is assessed as follows.

  • 5% summative quizzes (1% per quiz, every other week).
  • 5% Assignment 1 (mid-term).
  • 20% Project (end of term).
  • 70% Exam (in May).

End of Term Test

There will be an in-class test in Week 9. This will be a paper-based programming test. It does not count towards your score for the year, but if you pass, you do not need to attend any further sessions.

This test is an opportunity to practice programming in exam conditions. It is very different from programming on a computer, and you should practice it before your exams in May.